Unbelievably enough, it's that time of year when summer stuff is going on sale to make room for Back To School supplies. Didn't the summer just begin though? Well, it's true that the days are going fast, so now is a great time to start shopping for all those seasonal items you've been thinking about purchasing! It provides an excellent opportunity to replace old patio furniture, grills, beach chairs, umbrellas, pool toys and lawn items. Since we still have plenty of warm days left you can also stock up on the latest fashions and show them off a bit before having to put all those tanks, tees and shorts away for the winter. Better yet, buy diverse items that you can layer with other clothing like sweaters and jackets and you'll benefit in the colder seasons too!

My husband and I had been meaning to buy a little bistro set for our patio and felt we got a pretty good bargain with this cute set for only $48 (orig $98) from Walmart. There are plenty more deals to be found where that came from, so don't miss out because this season is flying by!

Now, Your Speaking my Languange... I love Shopping - and Great Sales, as well!!!
The Bistro Set is so nice - a lovely set... and such a great bargain! Great find! Enjoy!
Yes, I always wait until the end of the season to pick up any big items we need. You save so much that way if you can have a little patience!
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