Happy Passover to all my Jewish readers and Christian observers! I hope you are blessed this season as you recall the miracle of how God passed over the Israelites when His judgement came upon the Egyptians as they were holding them as slaves. Most people are familiar with the Exodus story, featuring Moses as God's chosen one to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into the Promise Land. If not, be sure to check out one of these movies or documentaries detailing the epic historic event!


While I have mixed feelings about this documentary, it was an interesting, in-depth look at Moses the man, his potential emotional state through the course of his life, as well as additional speculation of events based on Jewish tradition.

Also, don't forget to check out the full lunar eclipse tonight. Also known as a "blood moon", due to the light of the sun reflecting off the earth which gives it a copper or red tone (depending on where you are viewing it from). It will be most visible at 3am EST / 12am PST. But if you happen to miss this one, another will soon follow on October 8th 2014, the night of another Jewish holiday, The Feast of Tabernacles (or Sukkot).

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