We've talked a lot about Thanksgiving and all that entails, but some of us are also looking forward to what takes place the day after - the biggest shopping day of the year, also known as Black Friday. I realize that some people avoid this day like the plague, but I am one of the loons that gets up well before dawn to stand in some ridiculously long line hoping to score a great bargain. Sure, I agree that no deal is that enticing, but for me it's actually fun. Sometimes I just enjoy being in the thick of a big crowd, overflowing with excitement. That is, as long as everyone is behaving themselves, which so far has been the case in my experience.
For those of you who are as nuts as I am, it certainly doesn't hurt to get a jump on your shopping list. Here to assist is a great website, Black-Friday.net! They post all the latest updates for anticipated sales of all major retailers. You can even check out this Black Friday Survival Guide for more shopping tips. I must admit though, even with all this great technology, I still like to pick up a paper the morning of Thanksgiving and thumb through the ads in the evening as I plan my route. Either way, you'll be good to go. Oh, and if you aren't quite brave enough to fight the crowds, you can always take your chances later in the evening when the crowds have quieted, or try your hand at finding some comparable deals online. For me, that would take all the fun out of it!
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